Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The other side of my day

Today was a day of great celebration on a community level and I feel privileged to be alive as our country make such strong strides towards equality. On a personal level, however, today is a difficult one in a string of many.

On Sunday I miscarried after six weeks of pregnancy, three weeks of false hope, and two weeks of mournful waiting for myself and Wesley. Miscarriage is intense. I'm exhausted. It is a dramatic and visceral experience that is difficult to describe politely.

After a few days of fatigue but gradually lessening discomfort, the pain returned today with such fierceness I thought I would faint. This journey is not over yet, it seems.

I've had great support from Wesley, family, and a few close friends but I don't want to feel like I need to keep this a secret anymore. I need your support. And one day you may need my support because miscarriage is common, normal even.

I'm sharing all of this with you because it's too tiring not to share it anymore and beyond that we need to normalize this conversation. We need to learn (myself included) how to talk to each other when this happens.

Your prayers are appreciated and know that I will support you in spirit and in person should you ever miscarry.

Let's open the door to conversation about this. Let's talk openly and share comfort and knowledge with each other. Let's strip away the stigma that makes us want to stay silent. Let's lift each other up.

Kindly yours,


  1. Bless you, Eryn. Times are tough, but friends and family are what get you through it - not unchanged, but able to carry on.
