Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A list

Reading: The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner.

Writing: A story about an awkward date in a coffee shop.

Revising: A story about paint spills.

Thinking: Do I have the courage to write the novel in my head?

Worrying: My husband will think all of my stories are about us. They're not.

Brainstorming: Creative challenges to increase my language skills.

Blogging: This.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Here it goes!

What is your passion? What do you love? What is your creative outlet?

All very good questions, and questions to which I thought I had forgotten the answer. The truth is, I've known the answer all along. All of the normal clutter fooled me into thinking I had no passion or creative outlet. You know the ones: "I don't have time," "I'm no good," "It's just an old hobby."

The irony is that for years I have been harping to others "You have time for what you make time for." It's time to take my own advice.

I recently read Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. In it he describes the theory that in order for a person to master a skill, they must dedicate 10,000 hours to learning and practicing that skill. Writing has always been a joy for me. I would love to turn it into a real skill. This blog is way to hold myself accountable, keep track of my progress, practice writing, and share my journey as a mom and writer with you.

I hope to update you on projects, inspirations, tidbits I find about writing and publishing, and lessons learned in this grand experiment called parenthood.

Here it goes!
