Monday, May 6, 2013

A reinvention

When I decided to pick up writing again, I immediately created a blog. Of course I did. It's what you do. I posted four articles in fairly quick succession and did not return for weeks.  If you are reading this, you probably keep a blog that you hope I will read in return. (Hint: put a link in the comments and I will check it out).


I realized after not posting for a few weeks that the key is to remember the old adage: slow and steady wins the race. I have a tendency to burn through inspirations, motivation, and bursts of creative energy with the fury of a wildfire- leaving a trail of burned-out projects and hollow promises. I am determined to do better this time. Writing is what I must do. It is what I must perfect. It is what I must keep doing.

I will post snippets of creative writing endeavors and flash fiction attempts. I will write about how I manage- and do not manage- to balance being a stay at home mom with my dreams of being a legitimate author. I will also interesting articles and posts from across the web (like this one) to you, who may be holding the same hopes of being a Writer that I do.

Family life will be present, usually in the form of short stories based on my 2 year old son's antics and our attempts to raise him to be a happy, healthy, likable person.  I will not be posting pinterest-esque projects here. I don't do them. So no worries there.

I am most excited to have once-a-month contests where I write a piece of flash-fiction from the best opening line submitted by my readers.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you. May we find encouragement,  humor, and wisdom together. Again, send me your blog info and I will add you to my reading list!

*Rupert, aka Baby Dino, is the coolest reptile you will ever meet. His pet human Simona rocks the house too.


  1. Blessings on this endeavor!

    I keep meaning to write a blog. I'll share its address once I get back to it. It's more of a family newsletter, though.

    As for my submission of an opening line...

    With our queen becoming more and more demanding, the entire colony was already in chaos when our local primate began the daily acts of aggression, starting with pouring boiling water into the hill's main entrance.

  2. Julia,
    I take it you have the little beasts at your house too? This is a great line. It's going to really stretch me. Thank you for submitting it!
